I would like to see obama do anything that will change the world. Everyone thinks Obama is the greatest person in the world. I wonder what is so great about Obama? Did Obama create earth himself. He is not god, so Obama for president doesn't mean anything.
I strongly feel Obama is going to put an end to the world.Some people think that Obamas choice of taking our troops out of war is good,but really it is bad. Obamais trying to bring countries together which might start a bigger war and kill us all.This is why i feel obama is going to end the world.
why does everyone make a big fuss about him for president?

I strongly Disagree with your statement about Obama. I think the opposite compare to what you think. in my opinion i think that if Macain will ever become president he will destroy the world bc he was planning to send all teenage boys to war. If you want to have a discusion speak to me. lol
ummm i still disagreee wit u n i am right ur wrong lol
and i have reasons 2 prove u wrong again.....
i really disagree with you i think he can make a big differance if we just trust on him ally he is the first black man to be president.i agree with dez
Even if you don't like Obama's politics, what do you think of Genesis' point? Isn't it a big deal that a black man has been elected president? Doesn't it say something special about how much has changed since the days (not that long ago) when there were separate drinking fountains for blacks and whites? Indeed, think about what this means to all the people who have felt discouraged about what they could accomplish as a minority.
I think that people are hoping that Obama will run this country with intelligence and thoughtfulness. Things might go all wrong but I'm hoping that our government will be as good as the American people.
Wow do you really feel that way. Obama is the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT. He just made HISTORY and is gonna bring a change to the world
I dont think that youve heard enough of what Obamas whole campaign was about. You might have heard bits and pieces and put them together in SUCH a wrong way. Obamas plan is to bring everyone closer together but hes not gonna just sit there and let our country be destroyed. He was on Bill O'Reily saying that he will gladly let the troops defend the nation if defending is what will be needed but he doesnt believe in going to war for no reason. Yes, youre right. He is not God, he is just like everyone else and no he did not create the world but he has an amazing view of the world and equally amazing idea on how to fix this corrupted country called America. Do some research and you might learn a thing or two
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