Monday, February 9, 2009

supersize me part 2&3


I do think costumers have the right to sue MC Donald's for selling unhealthy food because MC Donald's sell food to most of the whole population of America.If someone gets sick off of MC Donald's they should get shut down for selling unhealthy food.I think America should have healthier fast food restaurants. MC Donald's sells food to children by making toys and other playful objects/toys for children.


I found out how much calories i put into my body if i would eat breakfast,lunch, and dinner. It added up to:

1,840 calories and 86 fat.

My MC Donald meal added up to less than the maximum calories i am supposed to eat,but my fat was 16 more grams than i was supposed to eat.

This results surprised me because if I would eat this much everyday i would gel really fat and would be really unhealthy.

1 comment:

lahana said...

I know you like to debate, so let me take McDonald's side. Why should people sue us just because some of our food is unhealthy? We offer healthy meals like salads. Also, we let everyone know the calories and fat for each food, so it's not like we're hiding anything. Consumers should choose the right meal for them, not sue us!