Scientifical (sigh-in-tif-ick-el)
Noun: An awesomely way to say scientific.
Sentence: The girl was very scientifical when she was presenting her science experiment.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Definition: A combination between great and awesome.
Sentence: The musical was grawesome.
Noun: Any creature in the snake family.
Sentence: That's one big colobra.
Girl Name: Colobrita (girl snake)
Boy Name: Colobrito (boy snake)
Noun: A disease that starts at your brain and travels to your lungs, then to your liver finally reaching your smaller intestines. People usually start to see symptoms around the age 13.
Scientifical term: I cam down with Gemitilitous.
You got the gemmy.
Which Twilight Guy Is Right For You
A. The mysterious quiet type
Not only does he look dangerous but he's also non revealing.
B. The journalist type.
This guy got the looks and the brains to match.
C. The natural cute puppy dog type.
Not only is he cute but he also has an amazing confidence.
D. The kind protective type.
He's a great listener and knows how to protect the one he loves.
A. A romantic meadow.
B. A romantic diner.
C. A day at the beach.
D. A movie night.
A. My guy is amazing on the piano
B. My guy will become a famous photographer.
C. My guy won't have much of a special talent.
D. My guy will become a famous mechanic.
A. My guy will do what is right for me even leave me if he has to to protect my life
B. My guy will love me and treat me right.
C. My guy and I will have a normal relationship.
D. My guy will love me and stay with me forever and wait at my pace for a relations.
A. I believe in soul mates.
B. Someday my prince will come.
C. Work hard to get what you want.
D. Love at first sight.
If you got mostly A's then your perfect twilight guy is EDWARD!!!
If you got mostly B's then your perfect twilight guy is ERIC!!!
If you got mostly C's then your perfect twilight guy is MIKE!!!
If you got mostly D's then Your perfect twilight guy is JACOB!!!
Team Edward Or Team Jacob
Some people have read all four twilight books in the twilight saga and some haven't it's okay, but the question is who do you think should end up with Bella?Edward?or Jacob?
I myself am team Edward.I choose him because he has this strong connection with Bella,don't get me wrong I'm not saying that Jacob doesn't love Bella I'm just saying i think that Edwards bond with Bella is stronger.Edward will do anything for Bella even if that means leaving her so she won't get hurt.(even thou when he left he was leaving Bella kind of unprotected from Victoria who was getting help from Laurent to revenge her mate James who tried to kill Bella to tick Edward of even more,and making a video tape of the events on what he was doing to torment Bella.)Edward is willing to give up everything he has and loves to save Bella and i think that is pretty good bond between two people.Edward and Bella share much more then just love they share togetherness as if god created Bella just for Edward and created Edward just for Bella.
Even thou i think Jacob is pretty good match for Bella i think it was for the beat that Jacob imprints on Renesme because Bella always thought of Jacob as her brother or apart of her family and now is.
so these are my last words to you:
All's well and ends well
All's fair in love and war.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Danger Of Sexting

Hey thanks for the compliment... but NO i am not going to send you pictures "without all that gear on" as you said. I will not send a picture of myself like that to you. Displaying myself like that to you is desrespecting and abusing my body. I deserve privacy and sending you a picture like that will take it away. We've been only going out for 2 months and you're already asking me for a nude or semi-nude pictures?!?!
I know exactly what this type of thing can lead to. At some point everyone can potentially see it. You"ll show your friends, they show their friends. It can get posted on social websites like facebook or google! I refuse to have myself seen in that negative light. Also by sending you nude pictures and you publish them on them web it can and will effect my future. When i go to high school or college and they haappen to google my name those pictures can and possible will show up and them who would want me to attend their highschool. The same thing could happen when i am applying for a job. So to answer your question no i will not send you some pics...not me...not ever!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Immigrant Detention
1) Describe with as much detail as possible, what the detention centers are like (i.e., the bathrooms, medical facilities, cells, solitary confinement, etc.)
Detention centers are basically like a jail but with less privacy. The bathroom stalls and the shower stalls don't have any doors or curtains. Anyone can walk in and see you naked in the shower or using the bathroom. This can allow people to get sexually assaulted. Many women have reported to being sexually. Even some men have complained about inappropriate comments from the officers.
Medical Facilities
There aren't many medical facilities. To get medical help you can either send a medical request form that can take a week or go to something called sick call on Monday-Friday at 6am. But the lines are really long and you even miss breakfast on the line to see the nurse. Once you get to see the nurse she often only gives you tylenol. Some of the prisoners don't trust the staff because they sometimes give the patients the wrong medication or the wrong doses.
Its hard to sleep because the guards keep the lights on. When there had been an immigration raid they put squeeze in a third cot which starts fights. They guard go to the cells and force the immigrants to get up and face the wall and put their hands up. When one person asked why they are doing this a guard yelled at the person and when he didn't respond the guard punched the guy in the stomach, them more guards started beating him also. They hit him on the head and tied his arms and legs behind his body. They dragged him out and used his head to open the door. The guy had a black eye and a welt on his head but didn't get treatment until 3 days later.
Solitary Confinement
This is where they keep the immigrants that get out of line, complain, or they just don't know what to do with. Such as people who suffer from mental illnesses or people with H.I.V. who, need special treatment. these people are refugees who leave their countries and come to america to get away from their tourtered lives. They get retraumitised and suicidal they get forced to go into solitary confidement. They get stuck in a dirty, small, windowless and cold room. They become even more depressed, nurvous and scared. One guy from Lyberia got phycotic and kep on flipping himself off his bed onto his head saying that he was training himself for the hardships and violence he would have to endour if he ever had to go back to his county. Guards had to enject him with anti-phycotic medication three times a day, to make him compliant.
2) How did playing this game make you feel?
Playing this game make me feel ashamed at my country for making innocent, helpless people go through the difficulty of Immigration Detentions. They didn't do anything wrong and just get locked up because they weren't born in the U.S. These people get treated cruely with little to no respect. They don't even get proper sleeping/living arrangements. They don't get the proper medical treatments. If someone has a 103 degree fever they just give them some tylenol. Also if the people who are running these facilities don't know what to do with some of the detainees or the detainees complain they just lock them up or stableize them by injecting them with anti-phycotic medicine. The Restroom give them no privacy and many women are subjected to sexual assult. Even some males in the Immigration Detentions have complained about the guards making harsh or crude comments. This game almost made me feel ashamed to be apart of the "americans", the monsters to these people.
3) What do you think the Unites States should do differently with their immigrants?
I think the americans should only arrest the immigrants if they have done something wrong to have broken the law, and if they do arrest them they should put them in a regular jail call one with a proper medical facility and regular bathrooms. I think the americas should treat the immigrants with more respect, because when it comes down to it were all the same. Also i thnk the americans shouldn't be forcing the immigrants to go back to their country because many have come here to have a better life or get away from the hardships that their country had them face.
Detention centers are basically like a jail but with less privacy. The bathroom stalls and the shower stalls don't have any doors or curtains. Anyone can walk in and see you naked in the shower or using the bathroom. This can allow people to get sexually assaulted. Many women have reported to being sexually. Even some men have complained about inappropriate comments from the officers.
Medical Facilities
There aren't many medical facilities. To get medical help you can either send a medical request form that can take a week or go to something called sick call on Monday-Friday at 6am. But the lines are really long and you even miss breakfast on the line to see the nurse. Once you get to see the nurse she often only gives you tylenol. Some of the prisoners don't trust the staff because they sometimes give the patients the wrong medication or the wrong doses.
Its hard to sleep because the guards keep the lights on. When there had been an immigration raid they put squeeze in a third cot which starts fights. They guard go to the cells and force the immigrants to get up and face the wall and put their hands up. When one person asked why they are doing this a guard yelled at the person and when he didn't respond the guard punched the guy in the stomach, them more guards started beating him also. They hit him on the head and tied his arms and legs behind his body. They dragged him out and used his head to open the door. The guy had a black eye and a welt on his head but didn't get treatment until 3 days later.
Solitary Confinement
This is where they keep the immigrants that get out of line, complain, or they just don't know what to do with. Such as people who suffer from mental illnesses or people with H.I.V. who, need special treatment. these people are refugees who leave their countries and come to america to get away from their tourtered lives. They get retraumitised and suicidal they get forced to go into solitary confidement. They get stuck in a dirty, small, windowless and cold room. They become even more depressed, nurvous and scared. One guy from Lyberia got phycotic and kep on flipping himself off his bed onto his head saying that he was training himself for the hardships and violence he would have to endour if he ever had to go back to his county. Guards had to enject him with anti-phycotic medication three times a day, to make him compliant.
2) How did playing this game make you feel?
Playing this game make me feel ashamed at my country for making innocent, helpless people go through the difficulty of Immigration Detentions. They didn't do anything wrong and just get locked up because they weren't born in the U.S. These people get treated cruely with little to no respect. They don't even get proper sleeping/living arrangements. They don't get the proper medical treatments. If someone has a 103 degree fever they just give them some tylenol. Also if the people who are running these facilities don't know what to do with some of the detainees or the detainees complain they just lock them up or stableize them by injecting them with anti-phycotic medicine. The Restroom give them no privacy and many women are subjected to sexual assult. Even some males in the Immigration Detentions have complained about the guards making harsh or crude comments. This game almost made me feel ashamed to be apart of the "americans", the monsters to these people.
3) What do you think the Unites States should do differently with their immigrants?
I think the americans should only arrest the immigrants if they have done something wrong to have broken the law, and if they do arrest them they should put them in a regular jail call one with a proper medical facility and regular bathrooms. I think the americas should treat the immigrants with more respect, because when it comes down to it were all the same. Also i thnk the americans shouldn't be forcing the immigrants to go back to their country because many have come here to have a better life or get away from the hardships that their country had them face.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
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