Thursday, October 28, 2010

Behind The Swoosh Part 2

1.  How much do Nike workers make in Indonesia each day?  How many hours a day do they work?

Nike workers make $1.25 a day in Indonesia and they work for about fifteen hours a day for five to six days a week.

2.  What is life like for Indonesian Nike workers at home?

Life for Indonesia Nike workers are tough. Five to ten families all share the same well for water, they all share the same shower facilities and the same bathroom area which is just a little plastic toilet bowl. Kind of like the one you buy your child who is being potty trained. When you get paid only $1.25 you can't buy much only 2 bowls of rice, a 
bottle of Iced tea and some vegetables, and if your sick you can buy an aspirin and some juice for your vitamins but then you wont be able to eat for the rest of the day. Mike had bought a small bottle of shaving cream and a small razor that he will only be able to use two to three times but now he has to skip 3 meals that week, when he already lost 25 pounds.
Also in one "house" there were 4 women living in it with all of their belonging in it. They had everything and it was only a eight by eight square room!

3.  Why won’t Nike talk to Jim or Leslie or let them visit the shoe factory?

I think Nike won't let Jim or Leslie visit the shoe factory or talk to them because unlike what they said in their website they do have something to hide because they are over working people for terrible
horrible pay that can barely keep them alive.

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